Kentucky Libraries Unbound/Libby

Kentucky Libraries Unbound powered by OverDrive allows you to download or stream audiobooks, e-books, digital magazines, and video to your PC, Mac®, or one of many mobile devices. You can check out up to 10 items at a time with your library card and PIN. Certain software may be required for use.

You can also take e-books, audiobooks, and more on the go with the Libby app!

Visit Kentucky Libraries Unbound»


Hoopla is a streaming video, music, e-book, and audiobook service bringing thousands of movies, TV shows, full music albums, and audiobooks directly to your computer or mobile device. Plus, Hoopla offers a dedicated Kids’ catalog and access to 50+ digital magazines and The Great Courses via the new BingePass feature. Get instant, simultaneous access and NO WAITLISTS or late fines, ever! You can also download titles to your mobile device with the Hoopla Digital app for offline access when you’re on the go. Set up your account now!