August 13, 2002



����������� The Bullitt County Public Library Board of Trustees met Tuesday, August 13, 2002, at the Ridgway Memorial Library.Those present were Brenda Roberts, Joyce Manning, Delorse Ashby, Pam Polston, Randy Matlow, Judy T. Jackson, and Nelda Moore.Delorse Ashby called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

����������� The Minutes of the last meeting were read.Joyce Manning made the motion to accept the minutes as written.Brenda Roberts seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� The Treasurer's Report was given.Pam Polston made the motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as given.Joyce Manning seconded the motion.The motion carried.The Treasurer's Report will be filed for audit.

����������� Regional Director's Deport:

����������� Nelda advised the Board of the upcoming Trustee's Dinner.It will be held on Wednesday, September 11th, at 6 p.m.It was be located at the Nolan RECC building in Elizabethtown.She hopes several of the Board members will be able to come.More detailed information will be coming shortly.

����������� Director's Report:

����������� Mt. Washington's new building is 99% done.We are having a few minor holdups, such as air conditioning units drainpipe must be rerouted out through the side of the building, instead routed into the drain in the building.We still have some missing lights.The circulation desk is not right. Some changes will have to be done to it.The shelves in the front of the desk are not adjustable, and the distance between the fixed shelves need to be extended.They put an electrical outlet right in the middle of the front part of the desk that will have to be removed.Some of the window trim pieces are still missing.Change orders will have to be done for these items.Randy suggested that we have the next board meeting there, since the Board usually does their branch visits in the fall anyway.Brenda Roberts made the motion to have the next Board meeting at the new Mt. Washington Library.Pam Polston seconded the motion.The motion carried.Joyce Manning made the motion to let Randy okay the change orders if reasonable.Brenda Roberts seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� A guest, Michelle Schulton, was present at the first part of the meeting.She paints murals, and had given the board a quote of $3500. for the mural at Mt. Washington.She feels like it would take her approximately 2 weeks to complete it.Nelda advised there are several libraries that have done this.Just doing the waterfall that the Board has originally requested would be $1650.Ms. Schulton's quote included a more detail mural that extended over the entire window wall.Brenda Roberts made the motion to accept the quote of $3500 for the complete mural.Joyce Manning seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� We have ordered magnets, bags and note pads to be given away at the grand opening of the new building.Randy advised that we may have to amend the budget later on, since the building project spread over two fiscal year's budgets.He advised that we could do this when we are closer to the end of the project.

����������� Ridgway and Dorothea Stottman are scheduled to have new carpet put down next week.The movers would like to move the Mt. Washington library at the same time, but we do not feel we will be ready for that.

����������� Randy advised the board that we are approaching the time for Lebanon Junction to begin its Friday hours.Joyce Manning advised that Dorothea Stottman has approached her about being so busy on Thursday nights, and need more help.Randy explained that we do have busy times and then we have less busy times.He doesn't see the need to add staff there just yet.This may be something to look at in the future.Pam Polston made the motion to start opening Lebanon Junction Library on Fridays starting September 6th, 2002.Brenda Roberts seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� Randy attended a workshop that stressed the need of a separate Family Medical Leave Policy.He handed out the board a suggested policy.The board read and discussed the policy.Joyce Manning made the motion to accept the policy as written.Brenda Roberts seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� Randy handed out the Board an Internet and Computer User Policy.The board read and discussed the policy.We need to strike out the line about not using floppies in the computer, since Randy has been working on having one computer in the library safe to accept floppies.He has been installing a product called "Go Back" that lets the computer return to its original settings when shut down.Pam Polson made the motion to accept the Internet and Computer User Policy with the deleted line concerning floppy use.Joyce Manning seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� We received a $7500 grant from KDLA on our wireless project.Randy explained the importance of wireless to the board.In Lebanon Junction, city hall has a tower, but for it is not tall enough.We might be able to negotiate with them for the use with a taller tower.Randy will check if some of the E-rate money will cover the cost.Pam Polston made the motion to proceed with the wireless technology and start up fees for all four locations.Joyce Manning seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� Our custodial person is still out on workman's comp.Possibly will not be back until the first of September.The staff is pitching in and helping keep the libraries neat.

����������� Pam Polston made the motion to go into executive session at 6:48 p.m. to discuss a personnel problem as stated in KRS 61.810(6).Brenda Roberts seconded the motion.

����������� At 7:11 p.m., Pam Polston made the motion to come out of executive session.Brenda Roberts seconded.The executive session was ended.No action taken.

����������� Joyce Manning made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:13 p.m.Brenda Roberts seconded the motion.The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 10th, at 5:30 p.m. at the new Mt. Washington Library building.


Respectfully submitted,




Pam Polston�� ����������������������� ����������� ����������� Donald S. Cobb

Secretary������� ����������������������� ����������� ����������� President

Board of Trustees��������� ����������������������� ����������� Board of Trustees

Bullitt County Public Library�� ����������������������� ����������� Bullitt County Public Library