June 11, 2002



����������� The Bullitt County Public Library Board of Trustees met Tuesday, June 11, 2002, at the Ridgway Memorial Library.Those present were Judy T. Jackson, Delorse Ashby, Joyce Manning, and Brenda Roberts.Delorse Ashby called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.Donald Cobb and Nelda Moore arrived at 5:45 p.m.

����������� The minutes of the last meeting were read.Joyce Manning made a motion to accept the minutes as written.Brenda Roberts seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� The Treasurer's Report was given.Delorse Ashby made the motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as given.Joyce Manning seconded the motion.The Treasurer's Report will be filed for audit.

����������� Director's Report:

����������� (Since Randy was out of town, Judy Jackson gave the Director's Report.)

����������� We received three bids for bank interest.One from First Citizens, one from First Federal, and one from the Peoples Bank of Bullitt County.Judy advised that Randy and she had gone over the bids, and after considering each one closely, felt that the library should probably stay with the Peoples Bank of Bullitt County for this year.Brenda Roberts made the motion to accept the bid from the Peoples Bank of Bullitt County.Joyce Manning seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� Two new sign designs had been received from KMC Sign Co.The board discussed the pictures at length.Nelda Moore made the suggestion that possibly a smaller sign using some of the pattern and materials in the building might be more complimentary.The board felt we should look into just a "monument" type sign, and forget about the message board.Judy will check into these signs, and get some pricing.

����������� Beverly Reeks went to visit the new library the other day, and found that the sliding windows at the office were not on the plan.The plan called for a solid window that does not open.Judy and Randy feel that this slide window is a necessity for the office, but a change order will have to be done.Brenda Roberts made the motion to do a change order for a sliding window in the office of the new library.Donald Cobb seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� Now that the total budget has been set, it is time to split the book budget for the different locations.Judy passed out the statistics that Randy gives out each year.These handouts include the total patrons for each location, the total circulation for each location, and three different possible splits.One is based on the percentage of patron usage, one is based on percentage of circulation figures, and one is a split that Randy and Judy feel is more in line with what is workable.Donald Cobb made the motion to split the book budget using the third suggested method.Brenda Roberts seconded the motion.The motion carried.The book budget is split as follows:Ridgway -- $72,000, DSL -- $31,500, MW -- $31,500, and LJ -- $15,000.

����������� We are going to apply for a technology grant from the state.The award amount is $7,500 on fixed technology.We are going to submit the grant on the wireless connections that Randy is working on.The grant needs to be signed by a quorum of board members, and postmarked before June 14, 2002.The board signed the grant.

����������� There is also a grant for Library Programming that we will be applying for.The maximum award for that is $10,000, and the minimum award is $4,000.Belinda Bunnell, the programming person, and Randy will be working on this grant.It is not due until the end of July.

Summer Reading Program is under way. The kids are doing such things and finger painting with pudding, and making play dough from scratch.The total attendance for the first week was 240.Dorothea Stottman had the highest number -- 124.We will also be having the overnight camping at Jefferson Memorial Forest this year.The date is June 28th.We will have Irish Folk music for entertainment.All the board is invited to attend.

����������� Randy and some other people in the community are organizing a Public Issues Forum to be held on the morning of the 4th of July.It will be called "Forums on the Fourth".The County Extension Office, Publisher's Printing, the Pioneer News and we are sponsoring it.It will be held here at Ridgway.The topic of the discussion will be "Terrorism".

We have heard from the carpet people.The carpet will be laid in Ridgway and DSL towards the end of August.The company will be in touch with us soon to schedule a definite day.

The Lebanon Junction roof has been repaired from the hail damage.We had a major sewage backup last Thursday.Our custodian cleaned up, and we don't expect any permanent damage.We were not the only people affected.Several other businesses, and some private homes were also affected.

Each Board member was given a copy of the Kentucky Public Library Standards.Nelda advised the Board that each one should read them, and use this as merely a form of checking ourselves.Later, as group, we could see how we compare.

The library received a letter concerning the filtering legislation.It stated that we need to have a public meeting to listen to the public about their views on filtering the Internet.We had this meeting on February 12, 2002.It also stated we needed to have an updated policy on file.Donald Cobb made the motion to approve the current Internet filtering policy.Brenda Roberts seconded the motion.The motion carried.

The Woodman of the World has ordered to donate a flagpole to the library.The only draw back is that we have to let them know tomorrow if we want to accept it, and none of the logistics have been worked out.We do not who will be responsible for setting the pole, where we would put the pole, would we need to laminate it, etc.The Woodman must put their order in by this coming Saturday.They wanted the poles set by September 11th and have a small ceremony.�� After discussing the matter, the Board felt that we were under too much of a time restraint, and have too many questions unanswered.The Board decided to decline the donation this year, but would be willing to look at it again if offered.

Judy informed the Board that we had received letters from Judge Ridgon stated that Delorse Ashby and Brenda Roberts have been reappointed for a second term.

Delorse asked Nelda if she had anything to report.Nelda advised that since this was not a planned visit, she did not have anything at this time.

Brenda Roberts made the motion to adjourn the meeting.Donald Cobb seconded the motion.The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.

The next Board meeting will be July 9th, at 5:30 p.m. at the Ridgway Memorial Library.


Respectfully submitted,




Joyce Manning����������������������� ����������� ����������� Donald S. Cobb

Acting Secretary������� ����������������������� ����������� President

Board of Trustees��������� ����������������������� ����������� Board of Trustees

Bullitt County Public Library����������� ����������� Bullitt County Public Library
