May 14, 2002



����������� The Bullitt County Public Library Board of Trustees met Tuesday, May 14, 2002, at the Ridgway Memorial Library.Those present were Randy Matlow, Judy T. Jackson, Joyce Manning, Delorse Ashby, Donald Cobb, Pam Polston, and Brenda Roberts.Donald Cobb called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.Nelda Moore arrived at 6 p.m.

����������� The minutes of the last meeting were read.Brenda Roberts made the motion to accept the minutes as written.Delorse Ashby seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� The Treasurer's Report and check register were given.Pam Polston made the motion to accept the Treasurer's Report and check register as given.Joyce Manning seconded the motion.The Treasurer's Report and check register will be filed for audit.

����������� Library Director's Report:

����������� Randy advised the board that Nelda may have to vacate her office by the end of this fiscal year.KDLA is looking into combining a couple of regional offices into one, and locate in Louisville.Several counties in the Lincoln Trail Region did not like this and went to KDLA and talked to Jim Nelson.Randy will keep the Board advised on this matter.

����������� Randy went over the proposed budget for 2002-2003.Three different payroll scenarios were given to the Board to discuss.Pam Polston asked if it would be possible to change the raises to merit raises instead of across the board.Donald Cobb asked how this affects the morale of the employees.Pam Polston explained her experience with this.Pam Polston asked how much of a raise did the Board give last year.Joyce Manning stated 6%, for the last two years.The Board asked Nelda her feelings about merit raises.She explained that they are rarely done in libraries.Libraries are a smaller community to keep things "private."Also if salaries are not competitive, you have people leaving for better jobs and more training costs. The Board asked Nelda about expected revenue from the state this coming year.Nelda stated that Jim Nelson's importance of order are for distribution of state money is: 1) state aid, 2) courier service.Pam Polston made the motion to adopt the proposed budget including the 6% payroll increase, and the increased hours at Lebanon Junction.Delorse Ashby seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� We have received another quote for the shelf moving for Ridgway and Dorothea Stottman Libraries when the replacing the carpet.The estimate from the Hallett Moving Co. was more in our range.The Hallett Moving Company also specializes in moving libraries.They also gave us a quote for moving the Mt. Washington Library to the new location.We would like to do the carpet replacement in August, after the summer reading program.Joyce Manning made the motion to accept the quote from Hallett Moving Company and to move forward with the replacement of the carpet.Brenda Roberts seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� The quote from Hallett to move Mt. Washington was $5280.Pam Polston made the motion to accept the quote for moving Mt. Washington Library from Hallett Company.Delorse Ashby seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� Randy gave a spreadsheet to the Board on the cost of the Mt. Washington project thus far.We have not committed to signs, or landscaping, and need to add in the cost of the movers the Board just approved.According to the sheet, we look like things are going to schedule.


����������� We have had a quote on a sign that is free standing and perpendicular to the road.The cost is almost $10,000.The estimate from the second company is $3720.The Board decided to do further checking into signs.They feel that $10,000 is too much for a sign, and that the second ones size, 4 ft. by 12 ft., may be to big.Randy will do more research.

����������� Randy and Judy are starting to plan for the promotion of the grand opening of the Mt. Washington Library.Judy had several catalogs and some pricing on promotional giveaways.They asked the Board for their opinion.The Board decided to let Randy and Judy pick the items for the giveaways.

����������� Randy asked Brenda Roberts and Delorse Ashby if they had names for possible replacements for their next term.Delorse Ashby submitted the name of Virginia Crook, 474 Chester Lane, Brooks, KY 40109 for her alternate.Brenda Roberts submitted Kimberly Gathof, 372 Techumseh, Shepherdsville, KY 40165 for her alternate.Joyce Manning made the motion to accept these names as alternates.Pam Polston seconded the motion.These names will be submitted to Jim Nelson.

����������� Randy is still investigating wireless service for the libraries.There are two possible tower locations, one at Belmont and one at Clermont, that would work.We have received one application of usage from one tower owner.Randy has passed this on to our Internet provider.

����������� We have trial database up on our web site.It's called Learning Express, and patrons will be able to take practice tests for such things as the postal exam, ACT, SAT, EMS, and etc.The database cost $1400 a year and we are going to subscribe to it for the next fiscal year.

����������� Lebanon Junction received roof and gutter damage during the hailstorm a few weeks ago.We have already contacted our insurance company and have received a check for $2489.16 to have the roof replaced.Gutters will not be able to be replaced on the side next to the old hotel, due to the buildings being so close.We have one quote from All About Roofing on the cost of repairs.Brenda Roberts made the motion to accept the quote from All About Roofing for the replacement of the roof and gutters at Lebanon Junction Library.Delorse Ashby seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� Regional Director's Report:

����������� Nelda passed out the newest copy of the "Newsletter" along with this months Lincoln Trail Regional newsletter.

����������� Donald Cobb asked if the Board had any old or new business.They did not.

����������� Joyce Manning made the motion to adjourn the meeting.Brenda Roberts seconded the motion.The Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

����������� The next meeting will be June 11, 2002, at 5:30 p.m. at the Ridgway Memorial Library.


Respectfully submitted,




Pam Polston�� ����������������������� ����������������������� ����������� Donald S. Cobb

Secretary������� ����������������������� ����������������������� ����������� President

Board of Trustees��������� ����������������������� ����������� ����������� Board of Trustees

Bullitt County Public Library����������������������� ����������� Bullitt County Public Library
