April 9, 2002



����������� The Bullitt County Public Library Board of Trustees met Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at the Ridgway Memorial Library.Those present were Randy Matlow, Brenda Roberts, Nelda Moore, Delorse Ashby, Joyce Manning, Pam Polston, and Donald Cobb.Donald Cobb called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

����������� The minutes of the last meeting were read.Brenda Roberts made the motion to accept the minutes as written.Delorse Ashby seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� The Treasurer's Report was given. Randy advised the Board that our first reimbursement from Colt has been received to bring our total revenue to $1,216,327.35.We have also gone over our goal on tax revenue.Donald asked why on the expense side, we were at 107% of the Interlibrary Loan Expense.Randy advised that the Kentucky Virtual Library database is the bulk of our interlibrary loan expense.�� The personnel budget is on schedule,Also included was the check register for March.Joyce Manning made the motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as given.Pam Polston seconded the motion.The Treasurer's Report will be filed for audit.

����������� Regional Director's Report:

����������� Nelda advised the Board that our Book Grant would be approximately $4,000 this year.This will also be the last year for this grant.Donald Cobb asked why this grant would not be available any longer.Nelda advised that Kentucky is one of the few states that uses federal money for book grants, since state funds are gone.The state librarian would like to have more innovative uses for the money.The state may even turn the remaining money into competitive grants.

����������� Nelda advised that Lincoln Trail holds a Director's Retreat every other year.They just held one in March of this year at Lake Cumberland, and Randy attended.

����������� Director's Report:

����������� Randy passed out a copy of the existing bylaws for the Board, along with proposed revisions.The first revised copy suggests the sections in brackets be replaced with the bold print.The second revised copy has these revisions made.The Board decided to change the wording under Article V/ Duties of Officers/Treasurer/Item d, from "Prepare an annual report for presentation" to "Assures that an annual report for presentation". Delorse made a motion to accept the revised bylaw's.Brenda Roberts seconded the motion.The motion carried.

���������� Randy passed out a proposed budget.This is basically the same one that was passed out in March, with a few changes.Furniture and fixtures increased to $120,000.This is due to the fact the carpet replacement for Ridgway and Dorothea Stottman may be in the next fiscal budget, and may run $60,000.Personnel shows a 4 to 6 percent possible increase with possibility adding extra hours to Lebanon Junction Library.Health care may increase as much as 7 percent.We will possibility work on getting all the branches open on Wednesdays over the next few years.Randy passed out the salary breakdowns for 4%, 5% and 6% increases. Donald asked if we were going to go wireless this year.Randy is hoping to, and is working on it.

����������� We are anticipating Mt. Washington's opening in early August.We are waiting for the corner stone.The wrong ones were received, and since the company is working on stones for the Pentagon, our order was pushed back.We hope to receive our stone soon.

����������� Central Business Group has sent nice boards showing the materials, and furniture for the Mt. Washington Library.The shelving is ready to ship, so they have been referred to the architects for dates of possible delivery.

����������� We have spoken to three sign companies to get bids on Mt. Washington sign.We would like for the sign to be perpendicular to the street so that it will be visible from both directions.We also are thinking of having a sign board as part of it to advertise upcoming events at the library.We also would like to have it lit in some manner.

����������� Donald stated that he has been hearing positive comments about the roof we selected.People are positive about the looks as a whole.

����������� We were looking for another appraiser for the old Mt. Washington library building.Another appraisal would cost between $1500 and $2000.Randy spoke with someone that gave us the following suggestions:The building should be valued at between $60 and $70 per square foot; Suggested we increase this value by 20%.This is close to the first appraisal we received.Randy asked the Board if we need a new appraisal since the information he was given looks to be the same.The board agreed not to get another appraisal.It was suggested that we request bids to start at a price the board agrees on.The Board will discuss this further in a future meeting.Randy has also spoke with company that moves libraries that will come give us an estimate on moving Mt. Washington Library.Randy will report on this later.

����������� Randy advised the Board he had received an estimate for the carpet laying at Ridgway and Dorothea Stottman.The cost is higher than expected.He has also talked to another company that own their own equipment.Hopefully they will be cheaper.Nelda advised that Grayson County used jail labor.The books were stored in an 18-wheeler and came off the truck backwards.Another option would be to rent a lot of book trucks, unload shelves, and break down shelves and move them.Randy will keep the Board updated on this matter.

����������� This will be Belinda Bunnell's first year to plan, create, and to the Summer Reading Program.We will do another overnight camping trip in the Jefferson Memorial Forest, and have a puppet show with Irish music for entertainment.�� This year's theme is "Celebrate Books".

����������� We were closed Easter Sunday.Randy asked the Board if this would be a paid day off, or non-paid.Delorse Ashby made the motion to close the library on every Easter Sunday and the scheduled employees may make up these hours, or take vacation time for it.Brenda Roberts seconded the motion.

����������� Randy advised the Board that we had in the past, bid out our insurance coverage, and our interest on our bank accounts.He asked if the Board would want to do either this year.The Board discussed getting bids on the insurance, and decided not to this year.They decided that if the insurance company we now have were to increase the premium, we would consider doing this.Joyce Manning made a motion to get bids from Bullitt County banks on the interest.Delorse Ashby seconded the motion.The motion carried.Randy stated that the forms used last time listing specifications would be used.

����������� Donald Cobb asked if anyone had any new business.No new business was brought up.

����������� Brenda Roberts made the motion to adjourn the meeting.Delorse Ashby seconded the motion.The motion carried.The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.

����������� The next meeting will be May 14th, at Ridgway Memorial Library.


Respectfully submitted,




Pam Polston�������������������������������������������������������������� Donald Cobb

Secretary������������������������������������������������������������������� President

Board of Trustees������������������������������������������������������ Board of Trustees

Bullitt County Public Library��������������������������������������� Bullitt County Public Library
