October 8, 2002



����������� The Bullitt County Public Library Board of Trustees met Tuesday, October 8, 2002, at Dorothea Stottman Library in Hillview.Those present were Joyce Manning, Pam Polston, Donald Cobb, Randy Matlow, Judy T. Jackson, Dolorse Ashby, and Brenda Roberts.Donald Cobb called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m.

����������� The Minutes of the last meeting were read.Brenda Roberts made the motion to accept the minutes as written.Dolorse Ashby seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� The Treasurer's Report was given.Joyce Manning made the motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as given.Pam Polston seconded the motion.The Treasurer's Report will be filed for audit.

����������� Regional Director's Report:

����������� No regional director's report was given.

����������� Library Director's Report:

����������� The Open House for the new Mt. Washington Library went very well.Everyone seemed to appreciate the new building.We still do not have the occupancy permit.We still need one more inspection to be done.The project is almost at the end.We need to start thinking about selling the old building.We need to do some work to it first.Our custodial person is back at work, and will be able to help get the building ready.Randy asked the Board how they want to go about selling the building.Should be hire a realtor, and do it ourselves.The Board felt that we could first try selling it ourselves.They would like to set a starting bid amount.We need to put some paint on the walls where the water came through, and dismantle the shelving and possibly sell the surplus.Donald Cobb thought we should offer the surplus to the staff for free or make a donation for it.The Board agreed.According to the appraisal, the building has a value of $154,000 to $191,000.Dolorse Ashby made the motion to set the base bid at $160,000, and to give Randy permission to get the building ready for selling, and to check with our attorney about the proper bid wording.Brenda Roberts seconded the motion.The motion carried.Dolorse Ashby made the motion to start the bids November 15th and close it December 6th, with opening of the bids at the December 10th regular board meeting.Brenda Roberts seconded the motion.The motion carried.

����������� We would like to have our annual staff development day on Wednesday, December 4th.Randy would like to address legal and safety issues.There have been changes in the Federal law due to the terrorist attacks,that the staff need to be aware of.Pam Polston made the motion to allow the libraries to close on Wednesday, December 4th for staff development day.Joyce Manning seconded the motion.Randy advised that the first half of the day may be at Ridgway, then move to the new Mt. Washington Library for the second half.

����������� The Technology Grant period is almost over.We have met the requirements of the grant.We have been given a 99 year lease for $1 from Nick Simon of Publisher's Printing for three acres on the big level to put a tower on .Randy passed out a new set of stats on the charges.

����������� The Poetry Grant money has not been passed by the state budget yet, but the state has said to go ahead with the spending.Randy advised that this was a project we had planned to do anyway, so even if we don't receive the grant money, we will go ahead with the project.

����������� Randy passed out the circulation stats for 2001-02.There is not a lot of difference in the percentages from last year's figures.

����������� Our custodial maintenance man will be back to work on Monday.We have really missed him.

����������� Donald Cobb asked if we had heard anything about the problem we are having with the gutters at Mt. Washington.Randy advised that he hasn't heard yet.We might have to do a change order on the book return slot on the circulation desk.

����������� Brenda Roberts made the motion to have the November meeting at the Lebanon Junction Library.Pam Polston seconded.The motion carried.

����������� Joyce Manning made the motion to adjourn the meeting.Pam Polston seconded the motion.The motion carried.The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Pam Polston�������������������������������������������������������������������������� Donald S. Cobb

Secretary������������������������������������������������������������������������������� President

Board of Trustees������������������������������������������������������������������ Board of Trustees

Bullitt County Public Library��������������������������������������������������� Bullitt County Public Library