Library Stories

We Want to Hear from YOU

Our Library has millions of stories—and we’d like to hear yours!

The Library is an important force in our community, helping people reach their potential and transforming lives every day. We’d love to learn more about how BCPL has changed your life or the life of a loved one. For example,

  • Did the Library help you find a job or start and grow a business?
  • What BCPL resources, programs, or services are essential to you? How so?
  • In what ways has the Library helped you to advance your personal, professional, or educational goals?
  • How has the Library brought your family closer together or provided fun and exciting experiences for your children?
  • Has the Library made you feel more connected with your community?

We want to hear from people about the Library’s impact upon them as individuals, as a family, or as an organization. These stories can take any number of forms—funny anecdotes, tales of triumph, treasured memories, or thoughtful reflections. We welcome stories in a variety of formats, including text, video, or audio files.

Please take a moment to complete the form and tell us how BCPL helped you. Your story is important to us! It can help us enhance existing services and develop new ones to better meet the needs of our community. Plus, in sharing your stories we can reach others who can benefit from our services and help elected officials understand what libraries truly mean to their constituents beyond the boring numbers and statistics.

Everyone has a library story. We hope you will share yours!

  • Use this field if you'de prefer to upload a PDF or something you've saved as a text file (e.g., Microsoft Word).
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 300 MB.
    • Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 300 MB.
      • Drop files here or
        Max. file size: 300 MB.
        • We will never share your full name or any other identifying information without permission.

        By submitting this form, I certify that the information I provide is accurate to the best of my knowledge, and I give permission for Bullitt County Public Library to share my library story, in print or in digital form, at their discretion. I also permit the library to contact me if needed.

        If I am under the age of 18, I certify that I have obtained my parent’s permission to submit my library story.